Human Rights


Arconic Corporation (“Arconic”) is committed to respecting, protecting and promoting fundamental human rights consistent with our values. We strive to respect and promote human rights in our relationships with our employees, suppliers, customers and stakeholders in accordance with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. We are guided by the principles reflected in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and related covenants, the International Labour Organization’s core conventions, and the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact, of which Arconic is a signatory. In furtherance of our commitment, all members of our supply chain are also expected to operate their businesses in a responsible and ethical manner, respecting human rights, as outlined in Arconic’s Supplier Standards. See


This Policy is adopted and overseen by Arconic’s Board of Directors. The Policy applies worldwide to Arconic and all of its subsidiaries, affiliates, partnerships, joint ventures and other business associations that are effectively controlled by Arconic, directly or indirectly (together the “Company”), and all directors, officers and employees of the Company.


Freedom from Slavery, Forced Labor, Human Trafficking, Children and Young Workers

We believe that people should work because they want or need to, not because they are forced to do so. Arconic prohibits the use of all forms of human trafficking, forced, bonded, indentured, or compulsory labor (hereinafter, ‘modern slavery’) in our supply chain and business operations.

As a fundamental principle, we do not employ children (defined as under the age of 18 years old) or support the use of child labor. We do encourage the creation of educational, training or apprenticeship programs tied to formal education for young people.

As an employer, we have instituted the policies reflected in our Code of Conduct to respect human rights, prohibit child labor and modern slavery and to promote the respectful treatment of our employees.

Commitment to Diversity, Equality of Opportunity, Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Retaliation

We are dedicated to maintaining an environment where everyone feels valued, and we celebrate both the differences and similarities among our people. We also believe that diversity in all areas, including cultural background, experience and thought, is essential in making our company stronger.

We are committed to maintaining a safe and respectful workplace and do not tolerate harassment or discrimination in any form. Arconic’s policies commit to providing equal employment opportunity in recruiting, hiring, upgrading and promotion, conditions and privileges of employment, company-sponsored training, access to facilities, educational assistance, social and recreational programs, compensation, benefits, transfers, discipline, layoffs, recalls or termination of employment to all employees without discrimination because of race, color, religion, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, veteran status, genetic information, sex or age (within statutory limits). We have zero tolerance for discrimination intimidation, harassment, or retaliation of any kind.

Right to a Safe and Secure Workplace

We value human life above all else and are committed to operating worldwide in a safe, responsible manner which respects the environment and the health of our employees, our customers and the communities where we operate. Our strong health and safety culture empowers our employees and contractors to take personal responsibility for their actions and the safety of their coworkers. Our focus on safety also includes a commitment to maintaining a secure work environment that respects the dignity and worth of every employee. Our employees play an important role in actively supporting a workplace that is free of violence, threats, intimidation, and harassment. This culture is supported by internal policies, standards, rules and procedures that clearly articulate our stringent expectations for working safely and maintaining a secure work environment in all of our facilities worldwide.

Right to a Healthy Environment and Sustainability

We believe that all communities have the right to a healthy environment, and we are committed to respecting this right. We recognize that climate change and other environmental issues, such as access to clean water, can adversely impact health and other human rights. We are committed to maintaining compliance with laws related to the protection of the environment, health, and safety.

Compensation, Work Hours, and Benefits

We believe in providing a fair living wage and compensating employees competitively relative to industry and local standards. We work to ensure full compliance with all applicable wage, work hours, overtime and benefits laws and the terms of applicable collective bargaining agreements. To support this commitment, the Company periodically reviews it compensation practices to ensure we are providing a fair living wage and complying with applicable laws.

Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining

We believe in freedom of association. We respect the freedom of Arconic employees to join, or refrain from joining, labor unions or other legally authorized associations or organizations, without fear of reprisal, intimidation or harassment. Where employees are represented by a legally recognized union, we are committed to establishing a constructive dialogue with their freely chosen representatives. Arconic is committed to bargaining in good faith with such representatives.

Respecting Privacy Rights

We take seriously our employees’ privacy rights and strive to respect our employees’ privacy rights by embedding protections in our internal policies and practices. We support our employees in maintaining their own privacy and that of others through training and awareness of the importance of careful handling of their own data and that of our customers, suppliers and stakeholders.

Community and Stakeholder Engagement

We earn our social license to operate through open dialogue with a broad range of stakeholders in an atmosphere of respect and trust and with the highest regard for human rights, economic opportunity and the natural environment. We respect the cultures, customs and values of the people in communities where we operate and take into account their needs, concerns and aspirations.


All employees are responsible for ensuring our integrity culture and are expected to speak up, seek guidance and report any conduct that is contrary to Arconic’s values or undermines Arconic’s integrity culture. In addition, all Arconic leaders are responsible for championing Arconic’s integrity culture and reinforcing the importance of speaking up.
Where permitted by law, reporters may choose to remain anonymous. In addition to the established options above, reporters outside the United States may also submit reports in other methods as required under local law.


Our commitment to human rights is communicated to all employees and reinforced through a variety of channels and methods, including our annual ethics training.

We use due diligence to identify and prevent human rights risks to people in our business and supply chain. Should any adverse human rights impact be identified as having resulted from or caused by our business activities, we are committed to remediating such impacts fairly and equitably.

The Company reserves the right to amend this policy at any time. Nothing in this policy says or implies that a contract exists between the Company and its employees or any third party or that compliance with this policy is a guarantee of continued employment. Violations of this Policy, including submitting a false, malicious, or other bad faith report, failing to report a known violation, refusing to participate in internal or external investigations, or engaging in retaliation, are grounds for disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment, as permitted by local law